We signed the girls up for Upward Basketball this winter to get them acquainted with team sports in general and basketball in particular. I do feel a bit for the poor coach, who has a team of 7 giggly 5-7 year old girls! We were not too optimistic at the beginning of their first game, seeing as they still had to work on dribbling and passing, much less shooting! However, once we saw them play, we were actually impressed (for them!). No one shot at the wrong basket, and the girls did pretty well attempting dribbling and even made several baskets! The older girls definitely have the height advantage at this point!
It has been interesting to see the girls' personalities display themselves in how they play. Darsie plays with a big grin on her face the entire time and is always where the ball is. She hustles amazingly well and has even stolen the ball from the other team several times! You should see her dribble, too! It is something to watch! ;)
Katy is more timid, we think more because she is worried about what all the other people are thinking and wants to be able to do it all perfectly first. She can actually make baskets pretty well, so we are waiting for her competitive side to kick in, and then I think she'll really get into it!
Both are really having fun, and Upward is perfect for them! Even in the games, the ref focuses more on training than calling them on things like traveling (they ALL do it!), etc. Now for soccer next fall!

They have everyone line up at the beginning of the game and then call each player's name and have them run through the line as we clap and cheer. Here is Darsie. Katy ran too fast for my camera, so I'll try again next week!

We've wanted to start basketball for the kids, but thought they were too young still. I am encouraged to see your girls' progress! How high/low is the basket?