Thursday, October 29, 2009

Washington, D. C. Field Trip!

In the spirit of spontaneity, and since our friends were heading that way, we dropped any plans we had for yesterday and headed south to D.C. with them. Two field trips in one week - pretty fun school, don't you think? The girls were especially thrilled to get to spend more time with their new friends. We left in a gray, rainy morning and arrived to bright, hot sunshine! It was the perfect day to sight-see!
We started at the Washington Monument, headed down the mall past the WWII Memorial and reflecting pool (they really liked the ducks there!) to the Lincoln Memorial. Then, after walking through the Vietnam Memorial, we headed past the White House and enjoyed ice cream and french fries in the Ronald Reagan Building. After our brief and wonderful rest (sitting felt great!), we swung by the National Archives to see the Declaration of Independence and then the Capital Building and then played in the mall while the guys fetched the vans. All in all, a great day! The only downside was that we think Darsie has the flu now, though we didn't realize she was getting sick until we were already down there. Some Motrin and a few stroller rides later, though, and she did pretty well (the fun friends helped, too!).

WWII Memorial fountains

More WWII Memorial

Look, that's where the president and his family live!

View of the Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial

Capital Building


  1. i love the one with the 4 kids looking at the pond towards the washington monument, so classic!

  2. i agree...

    wow! DC looks ALMOST as cool as Louisville... I hope once you're here our capitol doesn't pale in compariston toooo badly... ;)

    we're headed to DC ourselves in a few weeks; both Ryan & I have family there, and even a few of my HS buddies, so we'll make quite the tour!
