The day started after devotions with hurrying to get their hair done and teeth brushed so that we wouldn't be late in meeting the school bus at the curb. Then, we hustled outside and stood at the street watching for the bus. Sure enough, there was bus-driver Jim-Bob coming down the street. He gave the girls the usual "no standing, hands to yourself, keep your voices down" speech, and then they were off with big grins on their faces. After several more stops (funny how all of the other children missed the bus this morning!), bus-Driver Jim-Bob remembered that he had forgotten to eat his breakfast and begged pardon as he made one more impromptu stop. We then headed on to school and were dropped off at the curb. Once inside our classroom, we enjoyed a nice "first-day-of-school" snack of donuts (hence the earlier stop!).
Principal Matt then introduced himself and prayed for our school year. The girls observed that he and bus-driver Jim-Bob bore strange similarities to each other, the only difference actually being that Principal Matt didn't have on the too-small baseball cap that bus-driver Jim-Bob had worn.
We then began our day with chore training, then on to math, letters, reading together, learning about the first clothes and making mammoth tusk necklaces (who knew you could buy mammoth tusks??!!), then charting our trip from Philly to Sarasota, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Athens, Greenville and home on our wall maps upstairs. (Forgot PE, didn't get to other things today, oh well...)
After all of that, the real fun began for the girls (school was over for the day!). Because they have so many stuffed animals and dolls, we had filled two bins to put in the basement and let them each pick out 10 to keep upstairs. Well, today was the first day I actually remembered to let them re-pick out their toys. So, we brought all of their animals and dolls downstairs and the bins upstairs from the basement. You would have thought it was the greatest reunion ever, with the girls runnning to me with each new "friend" that they had rediscovered. They were having so much fun that we decided that today they could keep ALL of the toys out until time to clean up. So, they have planned the biggest party ever, a fun school day for the kids, a tea party and who knows what else....Here's the picture...
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