Friday, March 30, 2012

Birds of Prey

We have been greatly enjoying watching the nests of a great blue heron and a red-tailed hawk, courtesy of Cornell University's Ornithology Department. Right now the hawk has three eggs and the heron has just laid her first! Since we are studying birds right now in our zoology course, we decided to learn a bit more about these beautiful birds.

Here are the birdcam links:
Great Blue Heron
Red-Tailed Hawk

Here are some informational pages with great photos:
Great Blue Heron
Red-Tailed Hawk

Here is how the kids measure up to the height and wingspan of a red-tailed hawk:

Here is how the kids measure up to the height and wingspan of a great blue heron:

1 comment:

  1. We have this GIANT flock of turkey vultures living in our neighborhood now -- like 40-50 vultures. Totally gives me the creeps, but lots of educational possibilities! Come visit!!! :-)
