Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Honoring our Soldiers

The town of Media near us (where the church is located) has the best Veterans' Day parades, so yesterday when a friend reminded us about the parade, we packed up and headed over to honor our soldiers. (This is the same parade where a few years ago the girls' pictures ended up in the local newspaper!)
Anyway, we braved the cold, donning our winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves and bringing blankets to sit on and cover up with. It was well worth it! Even Liam sat enthralled through the whole thing! Nine marching bands, many ROTC's, and carloads of veterans later, we were very thankful that we had come out to cheer them on!



  1. why doesn't Liam have gloves? poor little baby! Miss you!!!!!

  2. he does and pulled them off three or four times...:)

    when are you coming to visit?!
