Thursday, October 9, 2008

Household Tasks

This month, the girls have been learning how to rinse and put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, in addition to washing whatever is non-diswasherable in the sink. They are very proud of their new skills and have been taking turns at the sink each morning.
They also have jobs of wiping the table and sweeping after each meal. As you can see from these pictures, Liam is ready to get in on the action a bit. Yesterday, Darsie let him walk with her, holding the handle. Today, Katy repeated this new treat, and he loves it! He has always loved the sweeper and would follow it around when in use (much to the delight of its operators!). Now, it seems, he needs his own chore chart and is ready to pull his weight around here. :)


  1. I think that "non-dishwasherable" is a really cool word!

  2. I wondered if anyone would like that word! Seemed perfectly descriptive to me. :) (Not much in my kitchen is actually non-dishwasherable, come to think of it...)
