Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nature Experience

We got a call from our friends Michelle and Al on Sunday afternoon asking if we wanted to join them on a nature walk at the Heinz Wildlife Preserve, and it was such a beautiful day that we agreed and quickly got our things together to meet them there. Did I mention that it was such a beautiful day? We didn't even need jackets!

We saw and heard lots of red-winged blackbirds, egrets, herons (we think) and barn swallows twisting and turning to catch their dinner. Snakes slithered away from the path as we walked along (Michelle swears Al actually stepped on one, and it was certainly the biggest one we saw there!). You could even hear frogs in the marshy areas, and the kids had fun picking out the turtles sunning themselves on logs and rocks!

As were heading back towards the cars, we looked up and noticed weird clouds rolling in to our left. Some of the strangest clouds I have ever seen. It looked like all color was being swallowed up in grayness. At the same time, Al and I had begun to discuss the rumbling overhead, which to that point I had assumed to be airplanes (it is very near the airport and we had already seen several planes fly overhead) but which we began to think might be thunder. Suddenly, big drops of rain began to fall, so we called the kids and began to run towards the cars (about 1/2 mile or so to go). Then, after one or two glances, we realized that, not only was it raining, but it was now hailing, too! Like the size of small pebbles. Hail! So, by this time we were all sprinting for the cars. I had Liam in the jogging stroller and made Katy hold on to the side while we ran. Joel was up ahead of me and it was all I could do to keep him in my sights, especially after a boom of thunder. Poor Al and Michelle had to unbuckle Sam from the umbrella stroller and fold it up, one of them running with the stroller and Susie and the other with Sam. Matt had Darsie by the hand. We were all flying. And then there are the thoughts...hmmmm...what do I remember about tornadoes?....look at this tree-lined path...what if a tree falls?....it's hailing more now...hmmmmm......

Joel made it to the cars first, with Katy, Liam and me a close second. We waited in our van for the others, then we all huddled up in our vans until it stopped (only a few minutes). A few minutes later, it was an amazing transformation. The sky cleared and was bright blue again. And, arching fully overhead, stood a double-rainbow, a full arc! It was breathtaking!

Thoughts on our experience:
  • It's always good to check the weather channel before heading out!
  • It's not so comfy to be completely drenched and soaked from head to foot, especially when you are wearing jeans!
  • It's pretty scary being out in a storm, especially when you are with your kids and know you couldn't shield them all from whatever might come after them!
  • God is amazingly powerful! That storm was mighty and fearful! And God made it! He is in control of it! Not one raindrop or one hailstone fell to the ground except that He commanded it! We talked with the girls about God being a fearful God (quoting Lewis, "Aslan is not a tame lion!").
  • God is good! We were utterly at His mercy, and He proved Himself faithful to protect and provide for us! He delivered us from the storm, all safe! I was thankful for the Bible verses that we had recently learned in the kids' Sunday school class and reminded Joel and Katy of them while we sprinted - "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." "When I am afraid, I will trust in You, In God whose Word I praise."
  • We are not in control of our lives - we could die at any moment! I need to be OK with that.
  • A rainbow, especially after a storm like that, is a powerful reminder of God's promise to never destroy the earth again but instead to provide a rescuer for us, to take upon Himself the destruction we deserve!
  • Worship is the only appropriate response to God's great mercy and grace! We worshipped in the car afterwards!

BEFORE: Ominous clouds, colors eaten up by grayness.

AFTER: God's faithfulness proven and announced in the skies!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Signs of Spring

I love spring! We went on a spring scavenger hunt this week and also picked some trees to observe over the course of the next several months.

Can you guess what these are?


No, it's not what you might think.....
Today, we became birds, robins actually. We have been studying birds for school, and this week we were looking at robins, so we decided to try our hands (since we don't have beaks) at building our own nests. We enlisted Ellia and Ben to join our robin community and took time this afternoon to create our nests. In the process, I think we all gained a grater appreciation for how God made robins. It is not easy to gather the right materials, make mud and plaster our nests, and mold them to the right shape. And we had hands to help us! And legs to move faster when carrying stuff! And cups to carry mud in. Robins do all of this with their beaks! Amazing! And, they do a MUCH better job than we could do, I am sure! I don't know that I would trust any baby robins to our nest!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


We had a fun day of crafting today. Liam painted his very own treasure pot, as we call them. The girls made theirs two summers ago, as depositories for all of the treasures they collect on our walks outside, and they are brimming over with neat sticks, leaves, seed pods, rocks, pine cones,... I thought it was time for Liam to have his own, since we are going to be outside more and more these days!
The girls and I are learning about birds right now, so we thought it would be nice to provide places in our yard that would attract more birds. With that in mind, in addition to rehanging (and refilling) our birdfeeders and stacking some brush in the corner of the yard, we made our own bird baths. It was quite fun and pretty easy. We'll see how well they hold up!
We have already been rewarded for our efforts, because this evening we spotted two tufted titmice (titmouses??), several house sparrows (not my favorite, but cute nonetheless) and possible a carolina chickadee visiting our feeder! We are pretty sure the robins will like our bird baths, too, and we have several in our area, as well as a couple of cardinals, so we are excited to see what we might attract!
Here is a slide show of our painting process.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Set,......

What a fun treat to have Granddaddy and PopPop accompany the girls to Home Depot this morning to build their race tracks!

We walked around a bit and, when we came back to check on their progress, both dads were sporting brand new home depot aprons, courtesy of "Mr. Lou", the man in charge who said that he was also a granddad and thought they should have matching aprons!

And what did Liam do while the girls built? He carried around his two cars and delighted in the tractors. :)